Bricks, while sturdy, can retain moisture and attract mold. Our soft wash cleans deep, maintaining the brick’s structural and visual integrity.

Brick Elegance Restored: The Soft Wash Magic

The dignified allure of brick surfaces, whether adorning homes or businesses, is indisputably classic. Yet, time’s wear and tear, coupled with the menace of dirt, mold, and stubborn grime, can tarnish their splendor. While traditional power washing holds its merits, brickwork demands a more nuanced care. Welcome to the world of soft washing, the tailored solution to breathe life back into your brick surfaces. With Wizard Wash, let’s chart a course to pristine brickwork through soft washing.

Soft Washing Unveiled

Soft washing stands apart as a gentle cleaning paradigm. By harmonizing low-pressure water sprays with tailored cleaning elixirs, it meticulously banishes dirt, algae, and mold from surfaces. Distinct from aggressive pressure washing, which might jeopardize brickwork, soft washing ensures cleanliness without a scratch. This eco-conscious and efficient method has become the frontrunner in brick care.

The Soft Washing Promise for Brick Surfaces

Embracing soft washing for your brick surfaces proffers a plethora of perks:

Brickwork Safeguarded:

Soft washing is devised with the heart of brick in mind. The gentle technique ensures bricks and mortar retain their integrity, avoiding potential abrasions.

Enduring Radiance:

Beyond superficial cleaning, soft washing dives deeper. It eradicates organic culprits like mold, sealing in a clean that lasts and lasts.

A Barrier Against Tomorrow:

The tailored potions in soft washing not only cleanse but also repel future threats. Their unique formulations thwart mold, algae, and mildew, ensuring your bricks remain unsullied for longer.


With its eco-centric cleaning agents and water-conservative approach, soft washing stands as the green alternative to brick cleaning, sidestepping abrasive chemicals and water wastage.

Why Entrust Your Bricks to Wizard Wash?

Dedication, expertise, and a relentless pursuit of perfection define our ethos at Wizard Wash. Our seasoned experts, armed with top-tier soft washing gear, stand ready to revitalize your brick surfaces.